Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud

Virtualization and private cloud

Integrate the cloud in your datacenter Take advantage of the latest in virtualization and management innovation to improve performance, increase efficiency, and streamline your infrastructure with a Microsoft private cloud. The benefits of the cloud are clear.

You get added flexibility and easy access to additional resources. Virtualization is the best place to start, giving you improved utilization of the resources you have today. With the built-in virtualization capabilities of Windows Server, you’ll get best-in-class features and performance. When you add the capabilities of System Center, you can build cloud elasticity and scalability into the datacenter using automation, resource pooling, and dynamic provisioning.

Automating repetitive tasks lets you reduce errors and increase speed. Automation also makes the datacenter more resilient, with pre-defined processes to handle unexpected spikes in demand. By pooling resources for compute, storage, and networking, you can move workloads more easily and load-balance across the whole infrastructure. And enhanced management capabilities let you provision and deploy applications faster.

With a Microsoft private cloud solution, your datacenter can be a competitive differentiator.


The transition to cloud computing offers significant economic advantages:


  • Placement of the IT infrastructure in the cloud can achieve savings in total cost of ownership by 30% to 70%;
  • Reduce capital costs by up to 70% of the purchase of equipment;
  • Improving resource utilization and maintenance of the equipment up to 70% on a monthly basis;
  • Saving data center resources (electricity, cooling, space) up to 50% on a monthly basis;
  • Reduce the cost of backup equipment at 50-70% at a similar level of access to month;
  • Reduction in licensing costs by 30% per month. Reduce the time to deploy new services to 90%;



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