Therapic 2000

All devices can be connected to the Vacuum module.

  • Graphic Display 240×128
  • 2 Output channels
  • 50 stored protocols, 50 protocols storable in the internal memory
  • Connection to ultrasounds
  • Current Delivered: Low / Medium Frequency


  • Training the neuro-muscular system to properly respond during voluntary and involuntary effort by providing an active contraction
  • Modulation of pain by the gate control mechanism or mechanisms of descending inhibition.
  • Control or reduction of spasticity by agonist stimulation (contraction/relaxation), antagonists (reciprocal inhibition) or motor inhibition sense.
  • Provide to the trans-dermal release of medicinal substances into the skin (Ionophoresis)
  • Improve or maintain joint mobility through mechanical stretching of the connective system and muscles
  • Promote wound healing by increasing local circulation, providing a bactericidal effect or alternating electric charges in the injured area.
  • Delay or resolving edema through muscle pump or the effect of electric charges on the interstitial proteins (phenomenon of electric fields).

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