SERVO-n Neonatal Ventilator

Purposely developed to help you create an ideal environment for newborns to breathe, sleep and grow.

Ready for the reality of NICU

SERVO-n mechanical ventilator for neonates born in the NICU.

SERVO-n™ has been created to help you provide vulnerable neonates with the support they need while protecting the lungs, brain and other developing organs.


SERVO-n is sensitive and fast in conventional modes and accurately delivers the pressure and volumes you set, down to 2 ml, while compensating for variable leakage.

SERVO-n enables you to monitor the electrical activity of the diaphragm (Edi). This signal reflects the neonate’s neural respiratory drive, breath by breath. With it you can ensure the level of assist that’s best at any given time, in any mode of ventilation.

SERVO-n includes Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA®), a ventilation mode with the capability to truly match assist to the irregular breathing pattern of neonates. There are many benefits with using NAVA, such as reduced work of breathing1, lower peak pressures and FiO22, and improved comfort3. All of these help you keep neonates breathing spontaneously, while potentially reducing the need for sedation and time on ventilation.4

SERVO-n makes setting up, monitoring and operating surprisingly simple and intuitive. You’re never more than a touch away from onscreen help and suggestions based on current use.

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